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Xin Tian
28 May 1993DHS 4C DHSSB Basses Euphonium DHSSC IA LSBC Youth Ablaze Why-Not I love chicken cocktail sausages and dark chocolate and cheesy hotdogs and eggs. I love my bolsters. I love my family to the maxxxxx! :) (Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero) |
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Finished 樱野三加一! Yay 陈乔恩 and 明道. :D --- Only in times like this that you get to see who's true and who's not. Today was a happy day. :) --- Nice song; from 命中注定我爱你. I wish 纪存希's mine. :D 半情歌 (元若蓝) 花 接受凋零 风 接受追寻 心的伤还有一些不要紧 我接受你的决定 你将会被谁抱紧 唱什么歌哄他开心 我想着天空 什么时候会放晴 地球不曾为谁停一停 你的明天 有多快乐 不是我的 我们的爱是唱一半的歌 时间把习惯换了 伤口愈合 也撤销我再想你的资格 你的祝福 一半甜的 一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可 最最教人残念的 总是未完成的 我只能唱着 一半的歌 Just for fun, from Xiao Wei. 1) Name somebody whose name started with E, L or Z: Lionel 2) Your relationship with him/her is: Senior-Junior 3) Your five impressions of him/her: Long, gay, cool, smart, woohoo. (LOL) 4) The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you: Cheered me up during one of the band camps this year. :) 5) The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you: How to remember lol, he's said at least 100000 sentences to me before. 6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will: LOL no no no. -.- 7) If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: Grow shorter. 8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: :( 9) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: No idea, WON'T LAH, hahah. 10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: Don't know... 11) Your overall impression of him/her is: Lovely. 12) How you think people around you will feel about you? Don't know. 13) The characteristics you love of yourself are: Love to sleep. 14) On the contrary, the characteristics you hate of yourself are: Zzz everything else probably. 15) The most ideal person you want to be is: No idea too. What an unrealistic question anyway. 16) For people who care for and like you, say something to them: thanks and sorry 17) 10 persons: 1. Dilys 2. Jia Hui 3. Ru Meng 4. Teresa 5. Xingqi 6. Lionel 7. Wei Jie 8. Terence (Yong) 9. Jia Ying 10. Por Yee 18) Who is no.6 having relationship with? (Lionel) Me me me. NO LAH. Nobody I guess. 19) Is no. 9 a male or female? (Jia Ying) Male, duh?! 20) If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? (Wei Jie, Por Yee) Uh... Brokeback? Cool. 22) What is no.2 studying about? (Jia Hui) No idea. 23) When is the last time you had a chat with no.3? (Ru Meng) Minutes ago? Through sms. She lost her ez-link LOL. 24) What kind of music band does no.8 like? (Terence Yong) Band music and erm, the songs I sing. :) Lol! Maybe angmoh songs? 25) Does no.1 have any siblings? (Dilys) Yup, Jay right! I don't know how to spell. 26) Will you woo no.3? (Ru Meng) No man, I'd rather woo a stone. :P 27) How about no.7? (Wei Jie) Aha, probably; much better choice than Ru Meng definitely. :D 28) Is no.4 single? (Teresa) I think so. But maybe not, she's may be with the Great General hmm. 29) What is the surname of no.5? (Xingqi) Loy. 30) What's the hobby for no.4? (Teresa) Thinking of me and baking chocolate ballz for me and erm, Great General-ing. 31) Does no.5 and 9 get along well? (Xingqi, Jia Ying) I suppose so? 32) Where is no.2 studying at? (Jia Hui) DHS? 33) Say something casual about no.1: (Dilys) TUT TSK TUT laughing bug! 34) Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? (Terence) Hmm yeah maybe as a sister hha. 35) Where does no.9 live at? (Jia Ying) Eunos; NICE PLACE OKAY, that's where I stay, duh! 36) What colour does no.3 like? (Ru Meng) Brown? Green? Red? Nonsense colour. DON'T KNOW. 37) Are no.5 and 1 best friends? (Xingqi, Dilys) NO LOL, Dilys' mine! So Xingqi, don't try. :P 38) Does no. 1 have any pets? (Dilys) Hmm yeah me, myself and I; best pets in the world. 39) Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? (Wei Jie) What if I say yes? HAHA, hi Wei Jie Sexaye. :) 40) What is no. 10 doing now? (Por Yee) No idea... Finally finished watching 命中注定我爱你 yesterday! Love 纪存希! :) Gonna start watching 樱野三加一 soon haha, yup I like 陈乔恩 (but still love 纪存希/阮经天) more. :D I like 命中注定我爱你, I love 纪存希! :) "所有我给她的承诺统统跳票" "不需要打招呼, 当作不认识" --- 我的快乐 (锦绣二重唱) 徘了徊了走了 错了过了等了 累了全都困了 烦的乱的等的 都是真的 疯的想的念的 不安的焦虑的 复杂的梦过的 拥有的失去的 怎么忘呢 你做过的伤 放困了你爱的音 那天的我等着你等成了摆设 我的你的他的 好的坏的难的 灰的蓝的黄的 酸的甜的苦的 都还记得 非常想要忘的 绝对不能忘的 我心要换你的 真的不行那么 只得放了 环岛的火车载着我第几天了 忽然发现这一刻我不想你了 我的快乐 会回来的 只要清楚曾爱得那么深刻 不准问值不值得 我的快乐 会回来的 离开不是谁给了谁的选择 我的快乐 会回来的 只要清楚曾爱得那么深刻 不准问值不值得 我的快乐 会回来的 离开不是你给了我的选择 疯的想的念的 不安的焦虑的 复杂的梦过的 拥有的失去的 怎么忘呢 非常想要忘的 绝对不能忘的 我心要换你的 真的不行那么 只得放了 放了...... 忘了...... --- I love to sing too. :) But ask yourself this: Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back. Coughing's not fun, especially when you are in a place with many people and you need to cough but yeah, embarrassing. :O Got back all the grades already, scored okay on the whole. Didn't score as well in Maths which I should (quite disappointing in fact) , but improved tonnes in Biology, Chemistry and History; HCL's a pleasant surprise and LA's norm (average). MEP's above expectations too. Yup. Anyway, today's a happy day. :) Getting addicted to 命中注定我爱你, nice show! :) Happy birthday Mummy Low! ♥ I always have a lot to talk to about with Mummy, almost about anything and everything. She taught me many songs in the past, among the few are 天下的妈妈都是一样的 and, I don't remember the title but it starts with 我的家庭真和蔼... Yeah. So here's 天下的妈妈都是一样的, but I'm sure Mummy Low's not the same. Every mum's different, so is mine. 天下的妈妈都是一样的 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦~ 天下的妈妈都是一样的 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦~ 天下的妈妈都是一样的 不管风吹雨打,不管星期或列假 我的妈妈从来不放假,她工作为了家 厨房是她的天下 狮子头还有红烧鸭 样样她都精通不会假 她是我妈妈 从小常常挨骂 那是因为我不听话 不要以为这是种惩罚 她只要我长大 妈妈我感谢你 没有把我跟大毛比 虽然我考试没有得第一 她说只要你尽了力 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦 天下的妈妈都是一样的 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦 天下的妈妈都是一样的 不管太阳升起 不管夕阳它又落西 为了我们你牺牲了自己 我永远不会忘记 将来有那么一天 我把太阳高高升起 挂在你永远满足的笑意里 妈妈我爱你 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦 天下的妈妈都是一样的 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦 天下的妈妈都是一样的 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦 天下的妈妈都是一样的 天下的妈妈都是一样的 哦 天下的妈妈都是一样的 So Mummy Low, I love you. ♥ 我不快乐(钟嘉欣) 九点半还在工作咖啡店总是满座 人太多声音太多擦肩掠过 你是你而我是我走失了不知不觉 那条街还是一样每次走过泪就掉落 我不要犯错所以不会再联络 世界太完美朋友总是那么多 陪著我一直唱歌叫我一定加倍好好生活 我不要犯错所以才重新爱过 新来的人我要甚黱就给甚黱 让我一直微笑不好意思说我不快乐 九点半还在工作记忆里还是留座 好让你心血来潮那一个晚上再回来看看我 我不要犯错所以不会再联络 世界太完美朋友总是那黱多 陪著我一直唱歌叫我一定加倍好好生活 我不要犯错所以才重新爱过 新来的人我要甚黱就给甚黱 让我一直微笑不好意思说 其实我在喧闹人群之中 还是会寂寞 --- EOYs' finally over. :) Got back MEP results already, kind of happy; scored better than expected. Getting back other results next Monday and Tuesday. Life's so empty and free now. I've a whole long list of stuff I want to do. --- Eh, don't want to continue posting already. Sad face. --- 5 weeks, and counting. Aloofness is unbearable, honestly. --- Argh. Feel like crap now. Bye bye. Take a look at the time; it's real. :) --- 舞出彩虹 (石欣卉) 多少次跌跌撞撞 终究没有退让 从未摇晃 握紧的方向 多少泪在眼眶 我用微笑抵挡 告诉自己 总会有答案 Yup last 2 papers! 3 more days to the end of EOYs. Woke up at 6am to study, it's interesting ok. --- BADMINTON! ![]() --- 回到原点 (钟晓玉) 倘若我们能回到最初的原点 或许这份感情就能永恒不变 倘若我们能回到最初的原点 或许彼此之间不会有句点 或许彼此之间不会有期限 --- Back to books. Or rather, back to stacks of papers. 8D ![]() --- 30 days already, and gonna continue counting. Last 5 days. 回到原点 (钟晓玉) 走在繁华的城市里 错综复杂的关系偶尔会让你心窍鬼迷 谁能真正互诉真心 谁又不曾为了名利感情而着迷 倘若我们能回到最初的原点 或许这份感情就能永恒不变 倘若我们能回到最初的原点 或许彼此之间不会有句点 或许彼此之间不会有期限 First day of EOYs. 11 more days to end of everything. I'm starting to like talking to my bolster. Hmm... O.O |