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Xin Tian
28 May 1993DHS 4C DHSSB Basses Euphonium DHSSC IA LSBC Youth Ablaze Why-Not I love chicken cocktail sausages and dark chocolate and cheesy hotdogs and eggs. I love my bolsters. I love my family to the maxxxxx! :) (Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero) |
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Liked this song very recently, especially the chorus. Very very very old song haha. 哇沙咪 (5566) 终于 有了勇气 不再有疙瘩的面对你 就像 结束打工 付清信用卡之后的心情 爱情 让我们看见 年轻任性背后的风景 我想 只有那个你 这么辛苦的一路陪我到底 现在別伤心別难过 如果继续勉强下去 明天你会更很我 坏天气总会过去 说好了吃頓日本料理当结局 湧上心头哇沙米的滋味 呛出捨不得你咸咸泪水 在一起的日子有笑有泪 不要问 該不該 对不对 湧上心头哇沙米的滋味 故作潇洒的我实在狼狽 看著你的眼睛我仍有感觉 泪光中 没有谁 辜负谁 独自走在黃昏街头 如今只剩我 拖著影子 好沉重 没来由的这么想你记忆中的 哇沙米让人难过 Can't find any playlist for this but for a better recording (without all those screaming and stuff), Sogou. 6 more days to EOYs, and 17 more day to the end of it. Cool. I'm so super in love with mugging. 8-) 为明天 (光良) 当昨天画上句点 何不就让它悄悄无言 看今天更光鲜 别忘了还有明天 选你将来的志愿 一步步再慢慢去实现 不管路有多远 有多险有多倦 在那很美很炫的童话境界 我还拿着青蛙王子的剑 来披荆斩棘驱恶除奸这感人画面 为幸福为明天 梦不一定要实现 心就会有更辽阔空间 用想象才能够 飞得高飞得远 在这无悔无怨的内心世界 我遇见了美丽从容的脸 和酸甜苦辣意义长篇 但是我情愿为感动为明天 痛虽然有深有浅 泪擦干那就会好一点 风虽然看不见 但自由无极限 ![]() What a hopeful song... What a week! Time flies. Life's so colourful; you get to experience happiness, sadness, anger, bitterness, etc, within a week, ha-ha-ha. 3 October's quickly arriving, but surprisingly I'm not at all looking forward to 14 October. Think life's gonna be really empty without mugging. Empty and rotten... 当昨天画上句点... Nerdy mugger. 8-| ![]() What a terribly depressing week. :'( (Nothing to do with grades and stuff; am contented.) As depressing as the week may have been, yesterday was the worst. (And as usual, nothing to do with academic stuff.) Still am blogging daily, just not here. :O I'm such a crybaby. Was watching 小鱼儿与花无缺; some crying scenes and I can cry along LOL. It's such a... meaningful/ heart-wrenching/ touching/ depressing/ sad show. 想太多(李玖哲) 你笑着说 他是朋友 但你眼中太温柔 我的不安 那么沉重 只有你不懂 他霸占了你的心中 属于我的角落 所以你说 我们不是你和我 是我想太多 你总这样 但你却没有真的心疼我 是我想太多我也这样说 这是唯一能安慰我的理由 我想我没有 错怪了什么 虽然你不说 或许错在我 太晚我才懂 爱了你太多 What a sad song. What a sad post. 北极星的眼泪 (张栋梁) 像断了线 消失人海里面 我的眼终于失去 你的脸 再等一会 奢望流星会出现 愿 如果真的实现 爱能不能永远 明天 或许來不及变 但曾经走过的昨天 越來越远 北极星的眼泪 说不出的想念 原來我们活在 两个世界 北极星的眼泪 你哭红的双眼 被淋湿的诺言 淹沒在心里面 我抬头看着 爱不见 当对的人 等不到对的时间 就在放放开手的瞬间 爱撕成两边 整个宇宙都流眼泪 --- There's finally another song (^) that I can listen non-stop for a long time before switching song... Oh Hong Kong theme songs are fab. :) And Hawick Lau (刘恺威)'s really cool. ![]() ![]() :'( Good night. Can't foresee when I'll post again, maybe tomorrow, maybe a week later, who knows. |